Monday, October 3, 2011

Disability History and Awareness Month public comment to school board

I spoke to my local school board on 9.20.11 Here's my speech.

The biggest barrier facing people with disabilities is not something you can touch. Can you guess what it is?
It's people's attitude towards disability. I hope we can all agree that kids are more open minded than adults. Kids minds can be molded to have different perceptions very easily. Which is why I'm asking you to recognize October as Disability History and Awareness Month in schools. Awareness is important but I feel that you can't necessarily teach someone how to feel towards one another. Though by teaching about the history of a group it will lead to respect, compassion, understanding and breaking stereotypes about people with disabilities.

By teaching this to the younger generation it would change the future of people with disabilities. The awareness would also improve the future of everyone in the community. When a person knows more and is more educated the community can't help but benefit from this knowledge. It would lead to including everybody in the community. No more leaving one out or shunning them due to the fear of the unknown.

Virginia has a resolution designating the month of October as disability history and awareness month. There is a ton of curriculum published online for teaching disability history and awareness. I also have a lot of these links listed on my website

Teaching in schools as part of our history curriculum, the history of the disability rights movement and about the positive impact people with disabilities have had on technology and society, IS necessary. Teaching the history of other diverse groups in our school systems, has been proven to have a positive impact on the group and society as a whole.

Even PBS is getting in on it. On October 27th they are airing a documentary about the Disability Rights Movement.

Just think about it, nearly every group that has fought for their civil rights are mentioned in school textbooks. Why aren't people with disabilities? Please teach disability rights and history in all classrooms.

Senate Resolution for Disability History and Awareness Month HERE


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