Wednesday, March 3, 2021

US Department of Justice Left Their Job Unfinished in Virginia

COVID19 has exacerbated systems that were already broken. In my example, my Medicaid Consumer Directed services that pays my Personal Care Attendants have never been paid close to a living wage, health benefits, etc. What that translated to during COVID19 is I could not find any attendants to assist me in my home. I have gone for 5 months without an attendant. When I sign up with agency services, attendants have an extremely high turn over rate.

I also work from home, so if i don't have an attendant to get me out of bed, I also can not clock in for work.

In Virginia, attendants in group homes are paid more than attendants assisting individuals in their own homes. On January 26, 2012, a Settlement Agreement was reached to address the US Department of Justice findings that the Commonwealth of Virginia failed to provide services to individuals with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs as required by the Americans Disabilities Act and US Supreme Court’s Olmsted Decision. This resulted in closings of institutions, but then group homes were built that were smaller versions of the institutions that the US Department of Justice said the state had to close.

If the US Department of Justice requires Virginia to honor the US Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision that states Virginia must provide community-based services, why are group home attendants paid more than attendants who assist individuals in their community (at home)?

Stop incentivizing (paying more) for serving people with disabilities in institutional type settings, such as group homes. The setting of where an individual receives attendant services should NOT dictate pay rates. 

End institutional bias by paying in home attendants a living wage. Support policy that shows equity in access to Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).

My video I use to advocate:

Report: Rethinking Direct Care Job Quality:

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Donald J. Trump

Trump showed America again and again he had a Personality Disorder

Speak out when you see bad behavior.
Trump had violence at his campaigns, he mocked people with disabilities, tons of women spoke out that he had/has sexually abused them. All are which are bad behavior. Speak out when you see bad behavior. Set boundaries.

We had all the signs, yet Trump was not stopped. Why did the Republican party let him run for President? Why wasn't there a reform of the Electoral College? Why does Congress allow bad behavior? (all those hearings)
Trump stirred up violence/hate and further divided America. Freedom of speech doesn't mean stoop to limbic brain and risk getting shot by the violence Trump stirred up. Don't keep falling for Trump's Narcissistic Abuse tricks. Also police reform now.

I got free of my abuse, just in time to watch America go through the same type of abuse.


June 9, 2020 Posted to Facebook:

When I was in a state of trauma, sitting in a hotel after my home was destroyed I was in total despair because I knew wasn't going to win the narcissistic battle that is my mother. She came into the room and starting raving how terrible is was that Trump had become president. I thought to myself, you should be thrilled because he is just like you.

I know how narcissists divide people because I had watched my parents do it in many types of ways. I believe the divide in this country has been there since we sent Britain packing, maybe even before then. Some leaders unite, while others....

Just as I became to know the truth about my 35 years of narcissistic abuse, I believe Americans will listen to each others truths to end racism. You will believe one another, hold each other accountable to poor behavior, etc. Because that's one reason why I'm healing ... my circle of support holds me accountable.
(P.S. Get rid of the Electoral College to give a choice to each American.)