Saturday, June 9, 2018

Into The Wild - Child Abuse

May 4, 2018

i need write a blog about Into The Wild but i'm moved so much that i don't have the words. my brother brought the book home from college and i'd never read a book so fast, i read it in 2 days. i get mad when people say Christopher McCandless was stupid for going out there by himself to die. he didn't, he did it to heal himself. ...from childhood abuse. I get it because I'm a survivor too. the amazing thing is, is if he hadn't died, his story would've not been shared. Carine lives ***. she has a daughter with a disability. Eddie Vedder did the soundtrack for the movie. ... (that news was released after i read the book) Into The Wild touches my soul. I got a free Into The Wild poster from when i went to go see it at ***. I lost that poster in the flood. I should replace that poster, because as I look at it on the wall, it reminds me of so many things ... don't be afraid, try new things, discover what is true in life ... sharing joy with others is what's it's all about. It dawned on Chris about sharing joy right before he died.


Inclusion of people with disabilities (young and old) in their community

May 15, 2011

Friends and health are the two most important things many different cultures say. I knew friends were the most important by the time I hit 8th grade. Into the Wild (book) reminded me of that a few years ago. MAKE SURE YOUR KID HAS FRIENDS! Any shared interest can start a friendship. All of us need friends.
