Thursday, August 27, 2009

If women ruled the world

I feel most women will stab another woman in the back in second. Women get in each other’s way before we’ll help each other. That’s the main reason I think women haven’t taken control of the modern world.

It’s a different atmosphere in a room full of women. I find myself on alert or uptight if I’m surrounded by other women. As if they might use anything I do and say against me at some point later down the road. (I feel like that because I’ve experienced or saw a ‘back stabbing’)
I find am able to be myself in a room full of guys though.
But maybe that’s just me.
I just feel like guys couldn’t careless and that takes the pressure off.

Yes, men can also betray but women will do it on a more personal level.
Some women are very critical of other women to the point of being counter productive to the women’s movement.

However, at times it seems like the women’s movement in the Sixties never happened at all.
There's still a stereotype that women need to be married with children to be fulfilled.
Can women have it all? Can she be wife, mother and have a career? Some women say yes and appear to be great at it. In my opinion, there are not enough hours in the day and one of the three will be neglected.
There's no pressure on men to be best at all three simultaneously. It's a double standard that I think will never change.

Another reason women may not rule is because men are physically stronger than women. It definitely started out that way in the caveman days and it was built upon throughout the years. But we've slowly seen a change in females/society in our modern world.

I think women do have some ‘softer’ qualities to mooze people in any environment. Or manipulate, whatever you want to call it.
Women’s problem solving skills are different than men. When making decisions, some men tend to live in the moment, whereas women think about the future. That’s one example of why I think women’s problem solving skills are better.

Men see things more black and white or cut and dry. When they have an argument it seems they really do put it behind them and move on. When the ladies argue it's all different shades of emotion being felt. Some ladies are grudge holders and let old issues color their judgment.

So, if women ruled the planet would it be better?
I dunno, given what I’ve said I’m not sure but it would definitely be different.

I do think if women ruled we would war just as much as we do now. The wars may be conducted differently or be about different issues than what we war about now.

I disagree with people who say men and women aren’t different. We are WAY different...the way we communicate, problem solve, grieve. But I believe men and women are different because we’re supposed to balance one another out. On the other hand, it’s aggravating as hell sometimes to live together because we’re so different. (I say from personal experience. Hehehe.) I don’t understand how anybody who has been in a long-term relationship can say the sexes are the same.

Would we have peace if women controlled the planet?
I think we all want peace, but when push comes to shove it’s extremely difficult to achieve and maintain. Every species wars, we just have guns and bombs. The warring gene or whatever you want to call it, is in every creature’s make up on the planet. We, the most evolved species has the will to fight the warring urge and problem solve in a non-violent way. Do we do overcome the urge? Yes, but not nearly enough.

ARTICLE: Think like a man -- and reap the rewards HERE


Thursday, August 20, 2009

My feelings toward Religion at this point in my life

What religion is to me is: love, hope and fellowship. All the other things wrapped in religion, I have no use for. I’ve been to many types of churches when I was younger. Baptist, Mennonite, Methodist. So I’m not a stranger to religion. I feel I’m spiritual, but I don’t go to church. There’s a church out there for everybody they say. But I haven’t found mine yet and I don’t think I ever will.

It’s just I don’t like how people take religion and run with it to fit their needs or fears. Or use it to manipulate or judge. I do believe religion can be a beautiful thing too. It gives hope and teaches love. It also brings people together and helps the less fortunate.

(I’m disabled) On one than one occasion a religious nut has come up to me and told me to my face all loud so everybody can hear, Jesus can cure you! As if! I’m fine the way I am. It’s you that has a problem. God made me the way he wanted me to be. …is what I say back to them. I know these people are extremist and every religious person doesn’t feel like that towards me. Yet I can’t help feel turned off to religion when this happens.

For example, take the book The Shack or watch the movie Religulous. Those two things are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum but they perfectly describe how I feel about religion in this point in my life.

I’m don’t have any problems with people sharing things of a religious nature with me. I’m opened minded. I just want it to be a two-way street. I want All religions are based on belief - not fact.. so matter if it's the most common and respected religion or the least, silliest sounding religion.. they're all one in the same as they are based on things you can not prove. Whether aliens bringing humans to earth or resurrection.. it's all irrational, illogical but believed by many as "faith" and "belief". --- a number of people, including me were talking about religion on a chat board. I didn't make this comment but I totally agree with it. (2011)

I think we have to be flexible. Any belief system that is inflexible, closed off to other belief systems, is profoundly unhealthy. I also think that if you look at life as a long line of evolutionary changes that started billions of years ago, from little things crawling in the mud, and the you realize where we’ve got to now, that is a remarkable set of circumstances. There is more magic in that, for me, than someone creating the planet in six days and taking a day off. When you realize how long humanity has taken to get to this point, it makes you respect another person’s life in a deeper and broader sense. I wouldn’t think of killing anybody because their lineage goes back to the primordial seas, not because there’s some eye in the sky, looking out for how many commandments you’re going to break. --- Eddie Vedder 2009 Uncut Magazine


Aside from all the celebration of 20 years of love, my favorite part of the weekend was hearing the sound of Mama Melea's voice in my house. And watching two people network / compare notes to learn from each others experiences, hopefully to ultimately improve their lives. Watching that filled my heart with joy.

~ That second part there .... THAT IS WHERE IT'S AT FOR ME. That's what inspires me and keeps me fulfilled. ~


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Price of Concert Tickets

To read 'Inside Ticketmaster's Empire' - July 09 Rolling Stone Magazine Article CLICK HERE

It’s kinda like global warming. Some people believe it’s happening, some don’t
Some people think ticket prices are fine, some don’t.

I say the consumer has the power. Consumers need to come together and boycott high price shows.
Damn those Eagles... it all started with them.
In the last ten years prices have about doubled.
There's other ways for a band to make money other then playing live for only the rich.
Look at the all the awesome box sets bands are coming out with or charging for meet and greets. Bands can get creative with money making without raising ticket prices. Anyway, nowdays bands don’t make that much touring all goes to the venue and TM.

It’s sad when you can’t afford to buy a ticket to your favorite band. ...A band that you have spent money on by buying their every album release. It’s sad and wrong.
Prices keep getting higher. Who’s to say they won’t stop getting higher? TM is taking advantage. Call it capitalism or whatever, but it’s just plain wrong to me.

I mean I just looked up two lawn tickets to a show I semi wanted to go to. Freggin $70! For lawn tickets! To me, two lawn tickets should be $45 tops.

If we don’t flex some consumer muscle somehow, ticket prices are only gonna go higher. But it seems to me people think they don’t have any power (which is wrong, I think they do) or they don’t give a shit.

Soon concerts will become an elitist activity. It’s going to blow. No average Joe Schmo will able to afford tickets. It’s going to be nothing but rich snobs at shows. Doesn’t sound like fun to me.

Bands can set whatever price they like. I guess. I don’t know really who’s setting the prices, TM or bands.
But if it’s indeed the band, are they aware when setting prices they maybe alienating a part of their fan base and do they care?
Do some think it’s okay for their favorite band to charge outrageous prices knowing the fans will ALWAYS buy and it’s totally ok to them? There’ll be no limit if bands have the upper hand.

Maxing out your credit card isn’t the answer either. Work for what you want, sure. But I’m also not going to sell my first born for a band that I’ve been buying their cds faithfully for years just to see them live. I’ve been buying your music for years, but I can’t afford to see you live. That’s messed up.

In my opinion the ‘if they’re overpriced, they wouldn’t sell’ thing doesn’t apply to concert tickets. Concerts are more an emotional purchase. It’s not the same as buying milk etc. People may be unrational about tickets because it’s their favorite band. Just look at what the Eagles did. They were overpriced (especially at that time) and people still snapped up tickets. Maybe that’s why people aren’t flexing consumer muscle.

I will say there're concerts I'm somewhat interested in and I don't go because it's out of my range. Just think of all those non-diehard fans/tickets they can sell if they lowered prices. But I guess for every non-diehard fan there's a diehard willing to fork out the dough.

If you’re not willing to buy, the concert must not be ‘worth it to you' some say.
I had really wanted to see Clapton when he came down. I AM a big fan and his music DOES mean a lot to me. But at the price they charged, I couldn't go. So the 'worth it' theory is BS to me. It made me sick...Clapton has money he's been doing this all his life, WTF? Why can't average Joe Schmo afford a ticket? I’m not any less of a fan if I don’t put myself into debt to see a live show.

Humans are some strange creatures! I recently stumbled across a research study that shows if a person was told the wine they were drinking was expensive they would enjoy it more, even if it was a lie and they were drinking cheap wine. HERE
"Changes in the price of a product can influence neural computations associated with experienced pleasantness"
