Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just watched ‘Sicko’ and now I’m pissed (heath care)

(originally posted on the Pearl Jam chat board) 


Just watched ‘Sicko’ and now I’m pissed. So I need to vent and I’m picking the Pearl Jam board to do it. 

 Out of my ramble please I hope you take this away: Vote for people that will try to fix health care in the US.

I knew I shouldn’t have watched it, but folks were decorating the Christmas tree and I wanted to watch. Sicko was playing on the TV in the room 

Here’s what I take away from that movie: I wouldn’t have Cerebral Palsy if I was born in Britain or Canada. An extreme statement I know with no proof behind it. 

I have CP because the doctor wouldn’t attend like he should’ve to my mother during labor because at the time my parents had no insurance. Again no proof behind that statement. 

Sicko mentioned ‘preventative’ medicine. Now, if my mother would’ve got the care she needed, on that ONE day, a huge amount of money could’ve been saved. But that day people must’ve been worried about money, because she didn’t get the care she needed. The care I needed. The system that’s all about saving money could’ve chose to spend money on my mother to get me out of the womb safely. Now look, they’re paying out the ying yan for the rest of my life for my medical items and Social Security. I don’t understand it! 

My father had gotten out of the Navy by the time I was born. So he had no insurance. I can only imagine the guilt he may have for not having insurance at that time. The guilt along with other types of guilt plays a factor with why he and I don’t speak anymore. I’m sure of it. …and maybe why he became an alcoholic. 

Our country is so great, but don’t dare get sick or pregnant without insurance. 

Sicko may be a one sided view but still I can't escape these feelings. My life could’ve been totally different. I myself and my family were and are victims of this country’s poor health care system. read people's replies from the chat I started HERE

Vote for more people to read this story on Obama's site: http://stories.barackobama.com/healthcare/stories/191091
