Sunday, October 19, 2008

Over 50mil disabled, a lot of votes to ignore?

This blog is inspired by a chat on

The Reps are stupid for basically ignoring a large number of votes. It seems they do it every election. Dems aren’t that great about it either, but Obama does have a corner of his website for disability issues. I can’t find McCain’s.

It makes me angry.

Just because Palin has a disabled child doesn’t sure up my vote either. She’s new to the advocate parent struggle, so what does she know?

Just because Obama has one webpage regarding disability doesn’t mean he gets my vote either.
I would flip out if either candidate mentioned the disabled community on tv.(Obama did! many times)

Somebody pointed out to me on the chat that’s is a civil rights issue. I agree. When will our country see the discrimination we face? Why do politicians ignore us?


Reps or Dems - Who fights for people with disabilities?

I’m tired of people with disabilities defending Republicans. If you stand by Reps ideals, that’s fine, but don’t say they’re on the side of people with disabilities. It’s just not true. Look at it in terms of history in Congress.

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (predecessor to ADA)In 1972, Congress passed a rehabilitation bill that independent living activists cheered. President Richard Nixon's veto prevented this bill from becoming law. (Nixon was a Republican)

31 of 41 republicans voted with Nixon's veto
At that time the congress had Democratic majority.

DEM not REP!


One Hundred First United States Congress January 3, 1989 to January 3, 1991 created the ADA.
*Congress had had a Democratic majority at that time*

Both the Senate and the House approved the bill with upwards of 90 percent majorities.
There were rumors George H Bush might Veto the bill.

The House immediately voted on the entire bill that evening, and members passed the ADA, for the final time, with near unanimity. More than 90 percent of the members voted in favor of the ADA.When the Senate finally voted on the conference report, it passed the ADA with margins almost identical to those in the House: 93 percent of the senators voted in the affirmative. The ADA had made it through Congress!

Through such pivotal developments as the protests to issue the Section 504 (predecessor to ADA) regulations and the nationwide outcry AGAINST President Ronald Reagan's Task Force on Regulatory Relief, the disability community asserted itself and became a political force to be reckoned with.(Task Force on Regulatory Relief - Reagan wanted the government to stop helping the people....too much government involvement he claimed)

More than any other single player, the role of President Bush cannot be overestimated. The ADA would have made little headway were it not for the early and consistent support from the nation's highest office. Of course, the president did not do the detail work: there were plenty of others to assume that role. But, by speaking out on behalf of the ADA, Bush made passage more certain. *In Congress, Democrats were primarily responsible for pushing the ADA aggressively forward*



History of the ADA (page 14)


A report by Youth Transitions Collaborative
Power in Numbers: A Profile of American Voters with Disabilities
July 12, 2013



  1. Ivy,
    You have a great blog. My wife is is disabled (100% blindness) voted true to her roots as a liberal Democrat. I have been one my whole life, and think the American Progressive Movement has done more for this country than the GOP and/or Conservatives. The GOP/Conservative are basically aristocratic: if you got the money you keep it and let all others fend for themselves or die. On my facebook page I define my politics as a Prolife Democrat. I am proud to be both. The GOP never stopped abortion the 8 years they had the White House, Congress, and Supreme court. Why? They did not and do not want to end Roe vs Wade. They want to use it as a wedge issue to get the Christian Right to vote there way. The GOP has no intention of solving the dilemma. Meanwhile us Prolife Dems work within the Democratic party to derail a lot of the pro-choice activities.
    Bush was a joke-the worst president we ever had. He gave us 4,000 US troops killed, and 10,000 wounded-many of them blinded and maimed and disabled. So the GOP makes more disabled people, and wants to keep them that way, unless they can find some way to kill them off by stopping funding. Such hypocrisy.
    God bless you for your witness and common sense. I love Mike K. as a friend, but his politics are screwed.

  2. Thanks Gary for your comment. I agree with you especially about Reps being the party of money and looking out for number one. (which really confuses me, because aren’t Reps supposed to be caring Christians?) I try not to get too wrapped up in politics as it’s all the same bullshit, just a different year. The Obama election year was very entertaining thou and I loved every minute of it.
